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How to choose an teeth implantologist

How to choose an teeth implantologist

TOP-7 tips for choosing the right dental implantologist

1. Recommendations. The more positive reviews, the better. Put the question on social networks, ask your friends. Word of mouth is very handy here.


2. Long line. If it is difficult to make an appointment with an implantologist and there is a queue, this is an indicator of his success and confidence in him on the part of patients.


3. Comprehensive diagnostics. If the doctor said that your x-ray is enough to start treatment and did not refer you to a CT scan before implantation, leave.

4. Anamnesis collection. If your dentist asks a lot of questions about your condition and medical history, this is a good sign. Taking an anamnesis is the responsibility of the implantologist; he should be interested in chronic diseases, allergies, and your medications.

5. Sterility and safety. Ensure that the clinic maintains high standards of cleanliness to avoid infections and complications. Dentistry must include gloves, masks, sterile instruments, disposable materials, capes and covers, safety glasses and vacuum systems.

6. Cabinet lighting and equipment. A high-class dentist will not work in poor lighting or on old equipment.

7. Prices. Compare the cost of dental implants from different doctors, but remember that quality and experience are more important than low price.

What to look for in a dental implant specialist

Dental implantation is a specialized area of ​​dentistry. Make sure the doctor you choose specializes in this area.

The Implantologist must have:

• Certificate in surgical dentistry - required

• Diploma or certificate of completion of the implant systems installation course – required

• Certificates of participation in seminars/courses - preferably

Often certificates and awards hang in prominent places in the doctor's office.

During the consultation, pay attention to the clarity of the answers and the confidence of the doctor. It is important that he inspires confidence in you.

When choosing a dentist, look at reviews about him. Pay attention to the experience of the implantologist. It is better to choose doctors with many years of practice in this field.

Professionalism and comfort

When choosing an implantologist, there are a few more points to consider. During treatment, you should not experience discomfort due to your missing teeth.

The approach must be professional, the result must be durable and beautiful, the use of implants must be convenient.

Disrespectful attitude to patients, non-information of their materials and methods of treatment is unacceptable.

The goal of the treatment is that for the next 15-20 years after the implants are placed, you will only come to the implantologist for hygiene procedures and check-ups.

It is important to reach the end goal with as few visits to the implantologist as possible. And your doctor should facilitate this, and not drag out treatment.

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